It was August 3rd. The spirits were high in me for it was the day the Hydooglers Adventure Club had planned on a two-day adventure trip to Matheran.
Matheran is not so much known. It is in the state of Maharashtra and the smallest hill-station in India where even bicycles are not allowed for transportation. For further details, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matheran
We left the office as early as 1315 hrs and took a cab to the Begumpet station and boarded to Husain Sagar Express after a tiring yet enjoyable wait of on hour or so. Our excitement was intensifying as the train wheels were beginning to gain pace. We kept ourselves happy by playing strange games and also dumb-charades. Soon it was dusk and though the sun went to rest, we did not. After the usual berth arrangement confusion that happens in all tours, we settled down for a short sleep for we were to get up by three thirty in the morn the next day.
We began to radiate enthusiasm even before the sun did. We got tout to get a taxi-ride to Dasturi Point. It is the place which marks the beginning of the ecologically fragile territory.
Form there we took a walk of a lifetime...amidst the blessings from the nature Goddess herself-in the form of torrents of rain. It was almost forty five minutes from Dasturi Point.
Through the winding paths in the dark woods, we reached BrightLands, the resort we were to stay.
We had good breakfast and retired to our rooms. After a while, we set out to explore the hidden paradise on the Western Ghats. And what a spectacular scene it was!! The whole place is graced by waterfalls that have a silver-grey trickle of water, the clouds that bear a misty screen to protect the chastity of this serene land and the occasional chirps of birds that add a pleasant phrase to the grand symphony composed by God's genius.
Having had a goofd feast out there, we went back to our rooms to rest for the night. The next morning, we woke up, fresher than usual and also later than usual. We packed up our bags and left for Dasturi Point where we were to board our taxi.
There's something special about this ride. It was on a horseback. This was truly an amazing experience. After the jerky yet jouful ride, we reached Dasturi Point, we boarded the cab that took us to Kajrat station. We engaged ourselves during the journey, singing songs praising God for all the marvels he has created and for keeping us under his grace for us to see all this.
Karjat camre to us(relatively). We were told that Karjat is famous for Wada Pav and it was indeed. We had the most delicious Wada Pavs ever, better than what they give in our TGIF.
Everything was drawing near to the end. The whistling horns of Hyderabad Express came roaring through the chill in the air, heralding the end of the tour. We boarded the train again but with a spirit totally different to what we had a couple of days ago, for the same act.
The day was drowsing as the sun fell into its hilly loft. I knew that things will be the same old again. The day dawned and I was really happy to see Hyderabad again. We got back to our homes, refreshed ourselves and came to the office. I sat before my workstation visualising all what I saw a couple of days ago.
And I went back to ark comforting myself with a philosophy that Google which took me to Matheran and which also brought me back form there, has also given Picasa to recollect those memories in a more vivid manner.
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