You know you are a photographer when:
1) You are asked to name a medieval-age artillery and you write “Canon.”
2) In a conversation, someone says 'Focus' and you can actually empathize with what it means.
3) Algebra is no longer that easy, because 3X and 5X do not mean the same anymore as they used to.
4) The first thing that comes to your mind when someone asks 'What's your new-year resolution?' is 'Hmm... maybe 12.1 Megapixels'
5) You see 'frames' instead of 'sceneries' when you visit places.
6) People talk about a rated film saying 'too much exposure' and you can't think of the actress shedding clothes, but only over-brightness.
7) You key in 'f' on your browser and Flickr is ahead of Facebook.
8) The pictures you clicked are your desktop backgrounds.
9) Others see a sexy girl and think 36 24 36 and you think 50mm, f/2.8 and 1/250 seconds.
10) You no longer consider 270mm as a small distance.
11) Your camera kit eventually becomes heavier than your clothes, but still feels light.
12) You start arguing with someone on the supremacy of Nikon over Canon, or vice versa.
13) You've read all the above points and are wondering, "is there something I could add to this??"
At the tail end, it's small yet cute fur of thank you's to all the people who got me in to photography, the people who gave me the push to stay aloft, and the people who make my occasional models, my vacation-mates and my critics, and the people who give me that much-needed nudge to tell me that there are a coupl' o' lenses in my eyes too!!!
There's no question about the fact that you are a photographer! :D
super da nanba!
Interesting post Jeffy! I can tick few of those for myself too! :)
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